Meet the Team!

Matthew Williams

Matthew has been farming since 2016 and used Green Valley Gardens originally to grow copious amounts of organic food. He has taught classes and shared his knowledge with others with hopes of teaching and inspiring everyone to start their own gardens. Matthew is our resident Jack of all Trades. You may have seen him before at the Denton Farmer's Market selling veggies!

Amanda Williams

Amanda is an artist who has done many murals around Denton, TX. All the signs and art you find around the farm she painted. She will be hosting many different kinds of workshops in 2023 so stay tuned! Amanda is usually the one behind the keyboard and camera.

Riley Williams

Riley is Matthew’s daughter and has definitely inherited her dad’s natural ability to garden. She has been a big help on the farm from creating the seed blocks that started all of our flowers to keeping the farm animals happy. She is an aficionado when it comes to creating YouTube videos so we’ll be getting her help making some awesome content for you all soon!